When Design meets Function
Everything is designed, one-way or another. Some objects are designed well, while others are not; some are designed pretentiously, others un

We all die of a broken heart… The evolution of the pacemaker
It wasn’t until the late 19th century that doctors and scientists finally realized the heart worked with currents and could be revived with

The prodigious experiment of a hand boiler
It’s amazing, simply by holding the device in your hand, you can make water boil? Is it magic? Actually, this could be used as a very crude

Everything you wanted to know about Hypertension and never dared to ask.
We all die of a broken heart... The moment that the heart stops beating indicates the end of life. The heart is the most important organ in

The Sphygmometer
The medical Definition of sphygmometer is an instrument for measuring the strength of the pulse beat. The name is derived from the Ancient G